Do you often wish you had the ability to restrict what websites your students have access to while at home and on their school issued device?
Well, this information is for you!
At High Point Academy, we use Securly web filtering for Students and their devices. With the Securly parent Portal which can restrict access to websites when your student is not on school premises (meaning any internet other than ours). If you install the Securly Home app (on an iPhone/android phone) you can also "Pause" the internet for one or more of your students, make schedules for when they have access to the internet, and you can set other web restrictions. As a Parent, you can also view your student(s) web history through this account as well.
If your email is up to date in PowerSchool, you should already have access, just use that email and follow the instructions below.
The parent can navigate to> Login > Parents and login to their Parent Portal using the email ID on file with the school.
If you need help getting logged in to that account (or any other Securly related issues), you can reach out to Securly support and they would be able to assist you.
- article posted on 5 March 2021 @ 1:57 p.m.